Personal Projects

MyPortfolio Project Screenshot

My Portfolio

  • ASP.Net Core 6.0 Web App (Razor pages)
  • The result of this project is what you are seeing right now.
  • It has multiple static pages going over my detailed portfolio.
  • This is a responsive website. Above screenshot shows Mobile view of the same site.
  • Used different components and features of bootstrap like cards, tables, ordered lists, Navs & tabs, forms, containers, flex etc.
  • Uses Cookie Authentication to allow access to some of the pages.
  • Used GitHub for version control.
  • It is deployed on Azure cloud as a WebApp project. Currently it is running from Azure cloud.
  • To view the source code, please refer GitHub link below.
  • This link takes to my public repository that shows similar open source project that I have created. Same code is utilized for this website.

My Portfolio GitHub
StackKnowledgeBase MVC Project Screenshot


  • ASP.Net Core 6.0 MVC Web App
  • You can visit this website by clicking here.
  • This app uses free available version of “” database and searches StackOverflow posts for any text entered by user.
  • It is created to explore FULL TEXT search feature in SQL server and use of Dapper in .NET Core MVC App.
  • Used Azure SQL DB (PaaS configuration) to store a small subset of data (10,000 posts) for the demo.
  • This is a responsive website. Above screenshot shows Desktop view of the site. It works well on mobile as well.
  • Deployed on Azure cloud as a WebApp project. Demo running from Azure cloud.
  • Used GitHub for version control.
  • on GitHub is updated with all required instructions on how to implement/use this project.
  • To view the source code, please refer GitHub link below.

StackKnowledgeBase GitHub
MySpreadScanner Project Screenshot

My Spread Scanner

  • App in Python
  • This is a trading app developed for personal use that connects to TD Ameritrade WebAPI and fetches options data for different ticker symbols.
  • The data is received in JSON format which is then parsed to identify options credit/debit spreads based on selected criteria. Credit/Debit spread is a trading strategy for options.
  • Used Tkinter packge for UI devlopment.
  • The source code is not made public yet.

My Spread Scanner GitHub